Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Does Fast Food Have to Mean Fast Weight Gain? What is Award-winning Nutritionist's Answer?

 Fast Food Is the Fast Track to Weight Gain
By Ann Tyndall, Ph.D.
The average person eats 1/3 of their meals away from home and the majority of those meals are fast food meals.  People who eat at fast food restaurants two or more times a week are more likely to
be overweight and insulin resistant, with increased risk of diabetes than those who don’t eat fast food.
Most fast food meals contain 1,000 calories or more for just one meal.  A single fast food meal could contain all the fat and calories that a person should have in a whole day.  Just one super-size drink could have over 1,000 calories and enough sugar to raise blood sugar dangerously high, increasing the risk of developing diabetes.  Choose diet drinks or water instead.
The best way to manage calorie overload at fast food restaurants is to prepare more meals at home but when you must eat on the run, here are some ways to save on calories and fat.
When eating at fast food restaurants, follow these tips:
  Don’t “super-size” and save hundreds of calories.  Order the regular burger instead of the giant sized one. 
  Skip the bacon, mayonnaise, sour cream and other high calorie toppings.
  Order items that are grilled and avoid the fried foods.
  Order a side salad with low-fat dressing along with your meal.
  Ask for extra vegetables on burgers and sandwiches.
  If you order a baked potato, go light on the sour cream, butter and cheese sauce.
  Choose low fat frozen yogurt or ice cream for dessert.
  Visit your favorite fast food restaurant’s website for their nutrition guide.  Notice calorie content and keep in mind that 2,000 calories per day is the upper limit and beyond that, most people will gain weight.

Ann Tyndall is an award winning nutritionist and the author of Prolong the Prime of Your Life: A Simple, Easy-to-Follow Program of Exercise and Nutrition.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

What is the Longevity Lifestyle? Nitritilonist Ann Tyndall Ph.D. Answers.

The Longevity Lifestyle

By Ann Tyndall, Ph.D.

            If you were willing to do only one thing, and one thing only to help you live longer and better, what would it be?  Research overwhelmingly supports that the single most important thing you can do for health and longevity is to get regular exercise, which is 30-50 minutes of activity at least five days a week.  Studies of the longest-lived people of the world reveal that these people live in very remote areas of the world, often mountainous, and they don’t have very good roads.  They walk several miles a day as part of their regular routine.  Active in their eighties, nineties and even one hundreds, they are walking, dancing, swimming and even riding horses.  Exercise is what keeps them young, mobile and energetic.

            Regular exercise, essential for heart health, is shown to be just as effective in maintaining healthy arteries and cholesterol levels as cholesterol-lowering drugs and there are no side effects.  Exercise is more effective in preventing and treating depression than drugs and it was also shown to be preventive in diabetes and many cancers. The key is to find something that you enjoy and will do on a regular basis.  The best mix of exercise is to have at least three sessions of cardio a week, such as power walking, Zumba, cycling or swimming and at least two sessions of strength training (weight lifting) per week, which also strengthens bones.  Stretching every day keeps range of motion and prevents stiffness.

            Even regular exercise is not enough if you sit too much, state the latest research studies. 
Sitting disease is now called the new smoking as the toll it takes compares with smoking risk.  If you feel a little guilty after a long TV binge, you may be shocked to find the health hazards of sitting are a threat even if you went to the gym today.  The average person sits for about eight hours a day, in front of a screen or behind the wheel and this increases the risk of coronary events (heart attack, angina or stroke) by 125% over those who move around more.  Sitting increases risk for colon, breast and endometrial cancers and muscles get mushy causing weakness, instability and back and neck pain.  Foggy brain follows those long bouts in the chair because moving muscles are needed to pump fresh blood and oxygen for maximum brain function.

            So get moving.  Standing is better than sitting and you can stand when you talk on the phone, have standing meetings or walks.  Work standing up and take frequent movement breaks when you are working at the desk or watching TV.  Take frequent breaks when driving and get your muscles moving.  Even a little muscle movement helps get the circulation going to keep all systems working optimally.

Ann Tyndall is an award winning nutritionist and the author of Prolong the Prime of Your Life: A Simple, Easy-to-Follow Program of Exercise and Nutrition.


Good News About Food? 5 Reasons to Rejoice - #1 Coffee is Good for You, #2 ... ?

Good Nutrition News

By Ann Tyndall, Ph.D.

          If headlines about pink slime in hamburger, the push to go gluten free and the panic about pesticides in orange juice make you think that there is no news but bad news on the nutrition front, here is a list of good news items about food to make you feel better. 

  • Frozen food is just as nutritious as fresh food and sometimes more so because it is frozen at the peak of freshness while fresh produce may take days to travel to market and then sit on grocery store shelves, losing nutrients.  Fresh and frozen foods are better than canned foods to avoid exposure to the chemical hormone disrupters in the plastic liners of cans.
  • Coffee is good for you.  After years of scares that it may be associated with a variety of ills, coffee is now recognized as a healthy source of antioxidants that can be preventive against certain cancers, heart rhythm problems and strokes.  Coffee drinkers are less likely o have Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and dementia.  Black coffee or coffee with low-fat milk and no sugar are better choices to keep the calories down.
  •  Tea is good for you.  Tea may help with cancer, heart disease, and
    diabetes. It may lower cholesterol and increase mental alertness. Tea also appears to have antimicrobial qualities. Some teas, including green tea and oolong tea may encourage weight loss.
  • Chocolate is good for you.  Dark chocolate, not milk chocolate or white chocolate, has powerful antioxidants that protect against heart disease and cancer.  Dark chocolate has been shown to lower blood pressure.  Watch the calories and eat just a little for maximum benefit.  The good news is that you could eat chocolate every day, knowing that not only is it delicious but it helps you.
  • Fat free is not necessary nor is it the best choice for maximum nutrition benefits.  The vitamins in salad are absorbed best if there is a little olive oil on the salad.  Many vitamins are fat-soluble and they require fat to be utilized.  Enjoy the flavor and the vitamin boost.

    Ann Tyndall is an award winning nutritionist and the author of Prolong the Prime of Your Life: A Simple, Easy-to-Follow Program of Exercise and Nutrition.

Free Hear Award Winning Nutritionist Ann Tyndall, Ph.D. Talk about Revolutionary Findings About Coffee, Fat, Sugar & Your Health

Ann Tyndal's new book, Prolong the Prime of Your Life, contains an easy to follow blueprint of how to add decades to your life. As an award winning nutritionist Ann has spent her entire professional career studying simple, practical methods of life extension anyone can practice.

In this mini-interview she talks about revolutionary new nutritional findings of the past few years which have completely altered our ideas of the rolls played by fat, sugar and coffee in our diets.

Click here to read Ann Tyndall Ph.D.'s groundbreaking Prolong the Prime of Your Life only $2.99 for Kindle at Amazon.